Washdown Scales: What They Are and Who Needs Them

Modern scales are remarkably complex pieces of technology. But with technological complexity comes a need for regular maintenance. When done well, scale maintenance will both extend the life of your scales and ensure accurate readings. But if you use the wrong maintenance techniques on the wrong piece of equipment, you could end up damaging load cells or other sensitive pieces of technology that make your scales tick. Today, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about washdown scales—a must-have for industrial settings in Portsmouth and beyond.

washdown scales portsmouth scale people

Washdown scales are a must-have in certain industrial settings. Here’s what you need to know.

What Are Washdown Scales?

Simply put, washdown scales are scales with resistance to water and other potentially damaging substances. This is important to know for two major reasons: the setting in which your scale is used, and how they are cleaned.

Let’s say you use your scale in a food and beverage manufacturing facility in Portsmouth, VA. In this industry in particular, hygiene is of the essence. You will need washdown scales both to combat any potential spills that may occur in day-to-day use, and to enable you to wash it down with a hose in between uses.

Here are some other industries that make frequent use of washdown scales:

  • Medical facilities
  • Industrial manufacturing
  • Construction
  • Retail food and beverage

You might be tempted to think washdown scales are inherently waterproof, but this is an oversimplification. They offer varying degrees of water resistance, and their protection from the damaging effects of dust and other airborne particles are just as significant. This is why washdown scales are a mainstay in the food manufacturing industry, for instance.

What Is an IP Rating?

When selecting a washdown scale for your industrial or manufacturing facility in Portsmouth, you’ll want to take a look at the IP Rating. In order to qualify as a washdown scale, it must have an IP Rating of 65 or above.

Let’s break down the IP Rating system. Short for ‘ingress protection,’ this system is used to quantify the precise amount of resistance equipment has to dust and water, respectively. The first digit indicates its protection against dust and other airborne debris, and the second, its water resistance. The highest possible first digit is 6, and the second is 9K.

Knowing what weighing equipment to purchase for your industrial facility in Portsmouth, VA is crucial. If you have any questions, just contact us!

CONTACT THE SCALE PEOPLE FOR Washdown Scales IN Portsmouth, VA!

Since 1956, The Scale People have earned a reputation as the finest service provider for calibration and repairs of weighing equipment in the mid-Atlantic area. Our sales team can help work with you to find the best weighing equipment for your application.  We currently have offices in Columbia, MD, and Newport News, VA, but we offer our services nationwide. Over the years, we have built up a long list of satisfied clients from a wide variety of industries, including pharmaceutical, food and beverage, and government manufacturing. We are a fully ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited service company.  All of our services have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We’re only a phone call away at +1 (800) 451-9593. To learn more about what we do, follow us on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn.



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