Test Weights

Test Weights or Calibration Weights can be used for any weight measuring equipment you have. Daily checks are the best way to ensure the equipment is always functioning. In Pharmaceutical and other regulated industries require daily checks and regular calibration documents.

Test Classes come in a variety of weights and weight classes. Weight class is based on the capacity and resolution of the equipment being calibration from 0.1mg to +500lbs. We can help you choose the right weights or weight set for your equipment.

Industrial Scales will require Grid Handles 25 lbs, and will need approximately 1-4 based on the capacity of your scale. This is for Class 3-7, Class F Laboratory Balances will have a bottle or metal plate for test weights, gloves should be worn while handling the test weight and weights should be kept in a case when not in use. The weight class will be between Class 0-Class 3.

There are 2 regulatory bodies for Test or Calibration weights. ASTM E617-13/NIST 105-1 & OIML R3-1 2004.

We offer a full line of calibration weights and weight sets. Call us today to learn more about which weights are right for your application.

Manufacturers We Represent:

The Scale People Inc LogoRice Lake Weighing Systems LogoTroemner Logo

Services for This Product:

We perform weight calibration and verification for all weights and weight classes. Call our Service Department for more information on other services such as adjustments and service schedule.

Ready to get started?

The Scale People is proud to have more than 69 years of experience in providing quality sales and calibration infrastructure designed to provide complete certified sales and calibration at your facility or in our lab.

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