To see how you can put your digital scale data to work, we have compiled a few of the most popular uses of scale data inside the manufacturing environment.
Suppose digital weighing scales or counting scales are a big part of your manufacturing or industrial processes. In that case, this means you have access to valuable scale data that you could use to improve the efficiency and productivity of the operation and control costs. To see how you can put your digital scale data to work, we have compiled a few of the most popular uses of scale data inside the manufacturing environment. Read on to learn more!
Inventory Management
By capturing weights or counts as supplies come into your facility, are pulled from the inventory, are expended within a process, or are then returned to storage, you can maintain tight control of your supply levels to prevent overstocking or understocking while protecting uptime. You could also access exact counts of all your products by capturing scale data as the product enters and exits the inventory supply. Inventory management could also be automated so that once the supply or product levels reach a predetermined threshold, more supplies are ordered, or the inventory manager is alerted immediately.
Quality Control and Waste Reduction
Capturing, analyzing, and validating weights or piece counts is an essential aspect of quality control for many industries, from food processing to pharmaceuticals. Scale data can show the amount of a weighed material present in your product when the material is present in a product, and when the material entered the process to verify the product quality. Data collected on performance indicators, such as uptime, weighing accuracy, and load cells, could also be used to identify scales that need repair or maintenance. Maintaining the rankings at this level improves quality control, resulting in a more usable product and much less weight.
Shipping Weights and Order Accuracy
Product weights and piece counts are known as data points that could allow manufacturers to easily and quickly verify order accuracy and confirm shipping weights. These verifications could improve customer satisfaction through dependable order fulfillment and provide on-time delivery with fewer incidents of unexpected shipping costs and other logistical surprises. To learn more about digital weight data, visit the Scale People soon!
Since 1956, The Scale People have earned a reputation as the best service provider for calibrating and repairing weighing equipment in the mid-Atlantic area. Our sales team can help you to find the best weighing equipment for your application. We currently have offices in Columbia, MD, and Newport News, VA, but we offer our services nationwide. Over the years, we have built many satisfied clients from various industries, including pharmaceutical, food and beverage, and government manufacturing. We are a fully ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited service company offering calibration for balances, scales, dynamometers, force measurements, test weights, pipettes, and more. All our services have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We’re only a phone call away at +1 (800) 451-9593. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to learn more about our work.